Corps History
The Blooming Grove Volunteer Ambulance Corps was founded by the Washingtonville Lions Club on February 6th, 1959 after more than a year's worth of ground work. At that time, there were twenty-two people interested in forming an ambulance corps.
The Corps became "official" when, on March 5th, 1959, it adopted the name Blooming Grove Ambulance Corps. A little over two months later, now with 41 volunteer members, temporary coverage for the Town starts, a kind of "getting your feet wet" setup until an ambulance could be purchased. At the same time, a fund drive was started with a goal of $4,000. This fund drive allowed the corps to buy an ambulance and necessary equipment.
On July 2nd, 1959, the Corps held an open house with a borrowed 1958 Cadillac Ambulance on loan from Worth Motors in Teaneck, NJ. This was to show the community what emergency equipment is available.
By July 16th, the Corps had answered ten calls and by August 6th the $4000 fund drive goal was reached - except that more money was needed.
On August 13th, 1959, the Corps received its first ambulance, a 1952 Cadallic equipped to serve four emergency patients.
Later on July 13th, 1993 the Blooming Grove Volunteer Ambulance Corps became certified with the New York State Department of Health
In 1999, Blooming Grove Ambulance was the first ambulance corps in Orange County, NY to provide 24/7 Advanced Life Support services.
In July of 2018, Blooming Grove Ambulance added a second paramedic from 10AM to 10PM, 7 Days a Week.
BREAKING GROUND FOR THE new Town Of Blooming Grove ambulance building are, left to right Ernest Coleman, mayor of the Village of Washingtonville; George Braun, chairman of the building committee of the ambulance corps; Robert Burwick, president of the ambulance corps; Benjamin Sears, supervisor of the town of Blooming Grove, and Matthew Richmond, who donated the N. Main Street property. Burwick said the building will be completed in about six weeks. Cost of the building is $18,500. It will be paid by contributions. Fenn Construction Co., Inc, Campbell Hall, has begun work. OCP photo.
Alma Gessman fundraising outside the old Mountain Lodge General Store in 1978