In Memorium
In Memorium: Salvatore Mancuso
April 28, 1954 – April 30, 2020
Salvatore joined BGVAC on October 19th 2011. In time he became qualified as a driver, served as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, and on our Fundraising Committee. Salvatore responded to over 800 calls and volunteered countless hours of service. He is remembered fondly by his peers at the ambulance for his strong commitment to serving the community, his often-expressed love of his wife Marie and his son Brandon, for his love of the students at Washingtonville and Cornwall Central School Districts where he served as a substitute teacher for many years and was known as "Mr. Man", and for playing a "mean" game of Ping Pong. Salvatore passed away on April 30th, 2020 from COVID-19 related complications which he contracted in the line of duty while on an ambulance call.
In Memorium: Frank Hemming
July 20, 1953 - May 19, 2010
Frank joined the corps in January 1977 and served until the summer of 1997. During that time, he served several positions, including president, vice president, membership officer and training officer. Frank ran more than a thousand calls during his career.
In Memorium: Virginia Jefferies
October 20, 1924 - March 3, 2011
"Ginny", who was a charter member of the Corps, actively rode for ten years. After that, she server as dispatcher until the time we went with a professional dispatching service.
In Memorium: Peter Low
March 16, 1952 - January 8th, 2007
Pete Low (Operator "Oh-7") rode with the Corps from 1992 to 2007. He servered as Captain and CPR Instructor and was a mentor to many members.